Welcome to the Launch27 blog.
The Launch27 blog provides valuable content for maids, house cleaners, and housekeeping businesses – allowing them to win more customers while saving money.

Be a Cleaning Business Employer, Not a Charity
A guide to striking a balance between leniency and protecting your cleaning business. It’s in your best interests to treat your employees well. Kindness and generosity can go a long way toward improving employee retention, morale, and performance. But it’s important...

How to Offer Deep Cleaning Service Without Losing Your Shirt?
With the right policies in place, your company can offer profitable deep cleaning services without extra stress. There’s some controversy in the residential cleaning industry over deep cleaning. Some businesses refuse to do it. Others have turned it into a big revenue...
The Best Payroll Software for Cleaning Companies
This week we're taking a look at payroll software for cleaning companies and including input from the Launch27 Domination FB page. It takes more than just one software program to run a cleaning company. We’re proud of everything Launch27 can do, but we know we’re not...

Thinking About Selling Your Maid Service Company?
Three key principles to help you weather the process of selling your maid service company, finding the right buyer, and securing a profitable sale. As a cleaning company owner, you may dream of selling your business someday. Many entrepreneurs do. For some, it’s an...

How to Get Positive Google Reviews For Your Cleaning Company
We’ve talked before about the power of Google My Business (GMB). And today, we’re going deeper. GMB is a powerful platform for building a strong reputation and attracting new customers—if you have google reviews for y our cleaning company. 93% of people judge the...

Creative Mothers Day Marketing for Your Cleaning Company
When’s the last time you thought about the way you do Mother’s Day marketing for your cleaning company to moms? Mother’s Day is just around the corner. It’s a good reminder to think about one of your primary audiences: Moms. A huge percentage of marketing materials...

Four Creative Ways to Get Media Coverage for Your Cleaning Company
Here are some real-world examples of effective media coverage—and how your cleaning company can borrow their strategy. Media coverage can give your cleaning company a big boost. Many of us patronize businesses we first heard about on the news. It’s a great way to...

Is Airbnb Maid Service Viable for Your Cleaning Company?
Every cleaning company has a different philosophy about AirBnb maid service. For some companies, Airbnb makes up a big chunk of their revenue. Others outright refuse to do it. There’s no formula for determining whether short-term rentals should be part of your...

How You Can Convert More Page Visits to Customers for Your Maid Service
The key to finding and winning more maid service customers is optimizing your cleaning company’s website for conversions. If you’re ready to grow your house cleaning services company, you might think advertising is your best bet. But you can easily spend thousands on...

How to Optimize Your Cleaning Company Operation?
Running a cleaning company operation means balancing a full calendar of big-picture thinking and small, everyday tasks. So stay on top of it with time blocking. The internet is full of exciting and innovative ideas for managing and organizing your time. Bullet...